Contact Us

Would you like to share any part of your experience with us? Do you have a question? Or maybe you’d like to share a comment or some criticism? Don’t hesitate to use the form on this page to get in touch with the team.

We want to know how you perceive and if you have ideas about making the platform better. The team is always open and looking forward to your feedback. Leave us a quick message, and we’ll do our best to respond to your inquiry or comment promptly.

Special Notice

Cash Pot Results is intended and set up as a source of reliable information for all your favorite lotteries operated by Supreme Ventures.  Our primary mission is to turn the portal into a one-stop-shop for all your inquiries – from details on playing a particular game to reliable and frequently updated information about the latest results. We truly believe that all lottery players will discover accurate and useful information they can count on to make their gaming experience stellar.

At the same time, we are committed to adhering to the best industry practices. As a result, we will never contact you or share the details you’ve provided with us as a part of your communication. These details will only be used to answer your inquiry, and they’ll never be submitted to a third party.

If you do receive any kind of information that supposedly originated from Cash Pot Results, please keep in mind that the message is most probably spam. It could also be sent out by cybercriminals looking to ruin our reputation or access some personal data from you. If you do receive any kind of message that claims it was sent out by the team, please use the contact form below to drop us a note about it. We will undertake the necessary actions to protect our reputation and the privacy of our website visitors.

Thank you!

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